Things happen fast in a crisis. Preserving key evidence can sometimes get overlooked until it’s too late. Capturing key forensic details is essential to discovering the extent and potential origins of an attack.
We can help you understand the details of your event and preserve data for future legal or enforcement action. Our scientists and researchers can also reverse engineer malware found on your systems to discover hidden details about the attack and its potential origins.
Our team members are Certified Information Privacy Professionals (CIPP) and well-versed in the most specialized data recovery tools and processes. We always employ forensically accurate processes, including appropriate chain of custody and documentation. We understand case law regarding the accuracy and reliability of digital tools. We’ll apply state-of-the art technology to your forensic analysis, but we also have the experience to accurately interpret findings, turning data points into a clear story and timeline that can be presented in court.
With ARCROTGIS Consult, you can rest assured that your first responders are thinking beyond the immediate crisis towards an enhanced security posture for your company.
We’ll work with your counsel on forensic analysis that leaves you in the strongest possible position; we’ll also leave your company protected and better prepared to manage future incidents.